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"Marriage is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”

- Australian law. 


As you are reading this, I am assuming that you have reached a place in your life where you are ready to commit to a union with another, for the duration of your life. CONGRATULATIONS!!!  That is a very significant and life-changing decision.  It is exciting, and it is also momentous.


As a registered Civil Celebrant, I am authorised by law to solemnise your marriage.  I will consult with you to create a meaningful, poignant and personal ceremony that reflects you and your relationship.  I will ensure that your marriage is unique, special and importantly, lawful. 


Symbols and ritual are important to any special ceremony to highlight aspects, personalise the occasion, and deepen understanding, meaning and emotional content. Together we will explore symbols and rituals that will enhance your special occasion.  Some might be well established within your culture, while others might be of a very personal nature. We might consider lighting candle to symbolise the presence of someone unable to be literally present, and explore pertinent music, songs, poems and readings that you might like to include.

You will be surprised to discover aspects of your relationship that can be highlighted, celebrated, honoured and represented through meaningful symbols.  Inclusions into your marriage ceremony enhance it with emotional and spiritual depth.


I’m looking forward to exploring this with you!

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