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A name encompasses who and what each of us is.  The essence of a name is at the heart of our existence, and signifies what tribe we belong to, which people claim us.  In many cultures a name links us with connected beliefs, or associates us with esteemed family members - often now passed. 


For these reasons, naming ceremonies are at the core of our existence. They facilitate us in honouring, celebrating and formalising the chosen name and all that is associated with it.


For babies:

The ceremony can formally welcome the new addition, can proclaim the name and its significance, and can gather family to celebrate and admire!  If the baby has a god-parent, this is an apt opportunity to announce and celebrate this too.


For adults:

A renaming ceremony is a very significant life event.  The act of dismissing one name and all that it entails, for an especially selected new one, is highly symbolic.  Such an occasion can be empowering, affirming and uplifting.  This special time of shaking off the old name and leaving behind certain aspects, is as powerful a gesture as that of connecting with a new identity and intentions for the future self.


Whether you are an adult bestowing a name on a baby, or are intending to re-name yourself, contact me and we can start planning and organising this very special event.

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