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Grieving well

Grieving well for the ones we love is very important as a sign of the bond you have shared, and to facilitate the start of the acceptance process.

It can be an incredibly painful time emotionally and very fatiguing on the body. Here are my 5 tips for ensuring your loved one's farewell is authentic and healing:

1. Don't hold back. Cry, remember and express all you need to during the early days of loss.

2. Collect photos and write down special memories.

3. Make time to look after yourself: grief can be all-consuming, but remember to try to eat healthily, drink lots of water, aim for 8hours deep rest and sleep in the evening, and talk to a friend or counsellor if you need.

4. Embrace the power of music to invoke connectedness - sometimes a song can lift your spirits and help you feel close to the person you're missing.

5. Consider creating a space of memory for your loved one - a photo in a frame in a special spot, planting a tree, or creating a legacy occasion in their memory (a walk to a lookout on their special day, or continuing something they enjoyed doing).

I hope these suggestions bring you peace and comfort if you are missing and remembering someone special.

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