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Individual uniqueness? Connections with the past? What’s in a name?

A name encompasses who and what each of us is. The essence of a name is at the heart of our existence, and signifies what tribe we belong to, which people claim us. In many cultures a name links us with connected beliefs, or associates us with esteemed family members, or tribal chiefs - often now passed.

In many cultures, the giving and receiving of a name is an event of major importance. Quite frequently the significance of the name is emphasized by elaborate rituals containing deep meaning.

By bestowing a name society confirms that the individual does in fact exist, and acknowledges responsibilities toward that person. The name indicates the uniqueness of the individual, that this being is one of a kind, with needs and feelings different to any other. Through the name, the individual becomes part of the history of the society, and, because of the name, his or her deeds will exist separate from the deeds of others.

For these reasons, naming ceremonies are at the core of our existence. They facilitate us in honouring, celebrating and formalising the chosen name and all that is associated with it.

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